With thanks to Van Morrison…
We send you glad tidings from New York.
The view’s not quite the same
and Johnny’s not home.
It’s Christmas time in the city…
down Main St., as it were, to the water line.
The eddy’s not been broken.
From St. Paul’s back up Broadway…
“It’s kind of warm for this time of year,”
heard on the sidewalks of New York
…to the magical Kingdom
and the fresh air of Times Square.
We stop to hear the Bard at Sullivan’s haunt by way of 30 Rock; he tells the tale of
Rudy’s strength and honors all our fallen. From the Tappan Zee to Rockaway,
in red, white, and oh-so-blue,
you can hear silver bells in the dawn’s early light.
May peace and goodwill to all
guide our city tonight.
Mary Elizabeth Ciccone 06-09-02